Ok here's an update on the current situation in good old Dunedin. We actually are having a summer day today (finally!)...sun, a couple of clouds, bright blue sky...
The state of things in the flat are however not so ideal. We still have no phone line so thank goodness for cell phones. Naturally we have no internet connection either and probably won't get any till Feb or something the way things are going coz we can't find an ISP that suits us as yet. I've taken to running over to my friend's flat where he has the whole flat to himself (coz everyone else is away for summer) and internet connection, which he has kindly agreed to let me use 8)
My room in the flat is still a furniture warehouse as renovations are going on in the flat and all rooms including the lounge are filled (we presently have a double bed sitting in the lounge). So I can't move my ex-flatmate's stuff out and shall (annoyingly) have to wait till she gets back to do something about it. Therefore I'm currently sleeping in my sister's room on the mattress/couch amidst unpacked boxes and furniture.
The good thing is I can get pretty close to the heater being on the floor. Typical of Dunedin we have cold nights and it probably doesn't help that the flat is over 100 years old and there are cracks and holes whereby the cold air can sneak in. According to documentation the flat was built in the 1890s and the landlords while renovating 2 of the rooms found 4 pretty mint copies of a Christian weekly newsletter dating back to 1902, 1903 and 1904. There's some thought of giving it to the museum but presently it's sitting on the table in the corridor. My sister suspects that the piping hasn't been changed since then and therefore the water smells funny, but nobody has died from it yet so I reckon the piping must still be good.
The flat has a great view of the city and you can see the harbour too since we're on a hill. I'll try and post some photos sometime when I get round to it lol. The great thing is that there's nothing to block the view really. We could clearly see the fireworks display in the Octagon (and hear the people singing) on New Year's Eve. Guy Fawkes is gonna be awesome...as long as they dun decide to implement the ban on fireworks they were talking about putting on last year after the many fires started as a result during the Guy Fawkes period. I reckon we would prob be able to see Carisbrook as well...
Me, well I'm down with the usual cold I get whenever I return to Dunedin from wherever. I'm still unemployed and looking for a job and there's still stuff to be done to settle into 2007. On the bright side I was given a cash award by the Uni for good grades for last year which would come in handy for paying rent 8)...but it doesn't come in till May 8(. Still any income is good aye? In the meantime I really have to do something about my not-so-fantastic financial situation...
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