Wednesday, 26 January 2005


Finally, FINALLY my marketing assignment is done & I can now breathe properly and sleep properly for a couple of days...until the next one. The silly lecturer had us do a 10 page report on how you would go about re-branding a wine endorsement system. He keeps giving us products we know nothing about...$%*!#@$^!!! PLUS 10 pages isn't enough for the amount of detail he wanted from us and how in the world do you fit basically info from all the other sections and more into 1 page...which was supposed to be a graphic design brief. Sheesh! Ok I guess most wouldn't get what I'm ranting about but in short, the assignment sucked.

It was quite "funny" (if you can call it that) yesterday at around 2am when we decided that our flat should be called House of the Dead. Why? 3 of us - Lucy, my sister and I were zombified, & brain-dead from being overworked. They were studying for an exam, which was this morning, & I was working on that assignment of course(what else could I be doing?). The rabbit was de only one who was well-rested....lazy b******d....

On the upside, once again it's a nice summery day with sky so blue it hurts your eyes and not a cloud in the sky...yada yada... I think we're having a delayed summer. While the warmth is nice, I must say though that summer really eats up your time. Sun sets at like 9pm and so it's nice and bright outside and you THINK you have alot of time. Before you know it de time has gone and you dun have much of the day left...a very dangerous thing if you have assignments...

Anyway I'm hungry...or as de French would say j'ai faim and I've to go print that assignment, so salut for now...

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