Monday, 17 January 2005


Haven't exactly been updating my blog very much since I've been back in NZ. A good reason would be that we've yet to get internet connection in my flat. Aside from the lack of technology within the flat, I've yet to obtain furniture for my room. Currently I'm sleeping on de sofa-mattress thingy that de previous tenants left us & I'm working off de floor...well once I went downstairs to de kitchen to do my work but it gets kinda cold downstairs coz de kitchen is so big.

Undeterred by the fact that I don't have a bed, I went our yesterday to The Warehouse & bought over $100 worth of stuff for my room, de bulk of which was bedding stuff like sheets & a duvet & duvet covers & all. I still wanna get another set of sheets though...looking for lime green sheets which The Warehouse had but wasn't in a set, which would cost more coz it's like $9 for a flat sheet, $9 for a fitted sheet & $7 for a pillowcase. Anyway all de bedding stuff is still in it's packaging in a corner of my room. Oh & I got this really nice's fuzzy & it's blue & lime green...

My sister finally decided to move in with us...(her rabbit moved in a couple of days before she did) & so now de TV gets used alot. She has also planned all our lunches for de whole of this week & refuses to allow me to touch anything to make dinner!!! Coz it would muck up her plans....nevermind that we've got enough food for like 2 weeks.

Speaking of food & the rabbit, de rabbit is nasty & violent. Sure it looks cute & sweet & innocent but it's evil. It bit my other flatmate, Lucy & scratched me pretty badly when we tried to catch it to put it back into it's hutch. After which, Lucy & I were more than happy to have rabbit stew. The rabbit is a good weed-killer though, it seems to like eating de weeds that grow among our herb patch (we've got mint, chives & some other herb...). Some of de weeds actually come from de garden next door & next door is still empty. I planted lettuce & an assortment of flowers de other day so until they start sprouting we don't have to keep de rabbit away from them yet.

Well, I've gotta go make a couple of phonecalls & stuff list of things I've to do is still endless & I've a French test today that I hopefully won't screw up so I'll juz end here for now.

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