Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Blogging for Income

With blogging being a pretty common thing now, it's no surprise that someone thought of using blogs as a commercial marketing tool. I recently signed up with Blogvertise, having heard of it being mentioned in one of those forums I randomly read.

Basically the idea behind Blogvertiseis that they pay you to blog about a specific topic...which I reckon seems pretty good given how you actually get an income from blogging...and in my case, somethingto blog about lol. After all I only blog if there's something I can write about, which isn't all that often really.

Probably the only pain about Blogvertise is that you've to make a link to whatever website you're reviewing 3 times in your post... Oh and the fact that there's a 5-day dateline. Still it's a source of income...and if anything, the one thing a student needs it's income lol.

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