Happy New Year Zzzz...
I am sorely in need of sleep. Last night I couldn't get to sleep till 2am despite not sleeping the whole night before. I was lying in bed trying to sleep and counted de number of hours I've been awake...and de lucky number was 41.
For those who are wondering why in the world I didn't sleep, blame the marketing department and the fact that I don't have a printer at home. My assignment was due this morning, but I had to finish it by yesterday morning so I could print it out before my classes and drop it off on time...wouldn't have had time to print it out and get it in this morning otherwise.
Ok, so maybe it was my fault too for procrastinating. But well the assignment was soooo boring and I believe it took me far longer to complete than the other coz I had to draw like 7 charts and even with Photoshop's ability to record actions it took hours. I think I spent on average about 3 hours per chart and I've not even counted the writing of the report!! I hope I made some sense in it coz you never know what weird stuff you might end up writing when your brain is fried.
The funny thing was that despite not having slept for so long, I was kinda perky albeit a little lightheaded de whole day. I stayed awake during both my lectures (had 4 hrs worth) and I think I even did retain some of de lecture material. I was quite amazed since the previous times when I pulled all-nighters to complete assignments (marketing of course!) I was zombified the next day. Strange...
Anyway it was CNY yesterday and there wasn't anything special really. It was juz another ordinary day here in Dunedin...aside from the fact that the weather has turned foul again. But well Happy New Year to those who had a celebration. I'm hoping that they celebrate CNY properly with all de foodstuffs in Milan next year, otherwise 3 years without CNY food is quite terrible to comtemplate...
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