Wednesday, 2 February 2005

No Life!!!

Last night it occurred to my flatmates and I that we were really in a pathetic state of having nothing better to do. The days have been consumed by work, but at night there isn't much to do unless you go out clubbing and stuff (which is more appealing now that smoking in clubs has been banned. In any case, we're not really party people so mostly nights are spent sitting around in the kitchen after dinner talking about random stuff and laughing our heads off. There's this chair in the kitchen we're convinced has something in it. The pattern has been that whoever sits in that chair becomes crazy...

Anyway, the night before, 3 of us were sitting in front of the tv watching Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition with our dinner on our laps....and crying over the programme coz it was so touching. My sister was crying so hard she couldn't eat. We used up like 50 pieces of tissue.... Last night we sat in the kitchen for hours practicing tying a knot with the cherry stalk in our mouths. We had a whole bagful of cherries (most of which were stalkless as of this morning) and pawed through the bag looking for longer stalks to use. The result? Yep managed to get the stalks in knots although the stalks came out black from being mangled rather than the green they originally were. One of my flatmates also accidentally chewed a stalk into half. Well now that makes for a very interesting night huh? Sigh....

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